Safety (PDF): Science Activity Book

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PDF for self-printing

The Safety: Science Activity Book is an engaging science resource for your students in grades K–2. Now your younger children can join in with their older siblings and learn about signs and objects that can keep them safe and warn them of danger! With fun activities—including mazes, coloring, cut-and-paste, and more—these unique, beautifully illustrated activity books are a valuable addition to family-style science or a wonderful resource to kick-start your child’s scientific learning.

  • PDF for self-printing
  • 23 pages
  • Black-and-white illustrations, 8.5”x11”

Each book in the Science Activity Books series correlates to a Good and Beautiful science unit, with every two-page spread in the activity book corresponding to a lesson in the science unit. However, the activity books are not integrated into the unit and can be used independently.

Safety: Science Activity Book can be purchased in physical form here.

*NOTE: Downloads are final sale and may not be refunded, returned, credited, or exchanged.

Original Publication Only Available from the Good and Beautiful Bookshop