Geology Book Pack

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Two full-color, interactive books in the optional Geology Read-Aloud Book Pack expand learning and provide a fun, engaging addition to your Geology study.

The unique, interactive The Good and the Beautiful Rock and Mineral Study book helps look at the world of rocks and minerals with new eyes through this fascinating book, packed with stunning photographs and images. Children will learn fun facts, as well as the uses and history of the forty rocks and minerals highlighted, while they discover the secret to classifying and describing each one. (43 pages, hard-cover)

The world mostly concealed from our sight is one of mystery, beauty, and wonder. Come and discover the incredible underground rivers and lakes, lava tubes, rocks, and rare gems that lay within the crust of the earth in The World Beneath My Feet. (32 pages, full color)

These books are all published by The Good and the Beautiful Library and are designed to appeal to children in grades K–8. Lessons will prompt students when to read these optional books, but they are not integrated with the lessons.